“Follow Your Dreams“ — the Millennials’s mantra

Generation Y, more commonly known as Millennials, is a term that applies to people born between 1981 and 2000. This generation grew up with digital and social media and the Internet as part of their daily lives. They are under the spotlight of marketing. The Millennials abide by the mantra “Follow Your Dreams”. They believe in morality, competition, civic duty, globalism, sociability and tolerance. Generation Y is ethnically diverse, encourages tolerance, and is described as confident and optimistic.

3 min readSep 27, 2017

The specific characteristics and beliefs of the Millennials are the workforce in companies, forcing and encouraging the creation and implementation of new recruitment and retention strategies. In addition, by 2020, half of the global workforce is expected to be covered by this generation; therefore, it is important for companies to know and embrace the new human resources trend elements to motivate this generation of employees.

The most characteristic element of Millennials’ personal motivation is to always look forward to participating in enjoyable activities. Therefore, a different and/or distinguished work environment will be a key factor in encouraging participation. The organization of social events such as sports, theme parties and integration activities that allow them to build a network, make friends and have fun results attractive. On the other hand, the Millennials have grown up in a world that is interconnected so they often interact with people from different cultures. These features allow them to be adaptable and cl deal with co-workers with different personalities.

Impatience is another key characteristic of Generation Y, this can be evaluated as something negative, since they tend to want things to happen at right away, however, for a team or in a work environment, this could help with their high skill and use of technology. Generation Y is known to be open, as it wants to have an impact on others by helping and influencing them positively.

They are experts in finding solutions quickly with the help of their high skill and use of technology. They like to show their value, so they tend to be individualistic (individualism is highly valued by them), innovative and independent. The Millennials are considered to be the most highly qualified generation, they commonly look for a challenging workplace with professional growth, opportunities to develop new skills and knowledge, and a good training program. According to Mindtickle, 91% of Millennials expect to remain in their current job for a maximum of 3 years.

Flexibility has become the most valued benefit among all Generation Y employees, allowing the Millennials to manage their times, schedules and assignments motivates empowerment and commitment. The use of technology in social media is an excellent tool that helps improve team building and task tracking. Generation Y likes to choose when and where to work.

In this sense, Calamari is a flexible system that allows adaptability to the vision and values of tomorrow’s employees by providing order, control and follow-up that every manager needs to manage the company’s course. Calamari is also an essential tool when it comes to providing information to work frameworks oriented towards objectives (OKR) widely used in technology companies such as Intel, Amazon or Google.




Written by Calamari

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