The digital revolution in work models is here. 5 reasons you should consider hiring a remote team or allowing your employees to work out of the office.
We’re experiencing a revolution in the traditional, onsite model of work. A growing number of employees show a tendency to choose remote work over a nine-to-five stationary job. Revolutions may be destructive or beneficial, and this one seems to be positive. Here are 5 reasons to consider hiring a remote team or letting your current employees work out of the office from time to time.
In 2016, 43% of Americans said that they take advantage of the opportunity to work remotely from time to time. This percentage has gone up over the years and is becoming a more popular trend, not only in the US but worldwide. No wonder employees favor this option. Remote work allows them to book cheap flights, spend more time with family, travel more often, or make their dreams come true. Technology is on their side, allowing them to work fully efficiently while staying off-site. And so be it! Here are 5 reasons why you should not be afraid of hiring a remote team or giving your employees the right to work from wherever they want.
1. Times are changing but in your favor
Whether you like it or not, the trend mentioned above is expected to grow in the coming years. Not only does young people mentality play a huge role here, but also the IT market development favors it. There are more and more websites that help employees find remote work and earn a competitive salary (i.e. Upwork), and more and more online tools that make it easier for leaders to remotely manage their team or hire remote employees. Take a look at all the online task management systems like Asana or Basecamp, or HR and attendance tracking tools like Calamari. Those kinds of tools are springing up like mushrooms, which only proves that there is a need for them. Here is our blog post devoted solely to online tools for remote work management.
2. You hire the best, not the best ones available in your reach
If you are not afraid to manage remote workers, you increase your chances of hiring the most talented specialists. Let’s assume that you are looking for a graphic designer and have a budget to hire the best you can get. Would you rather hire the best one available in your city, or one of the world’s best? When you stop caring about location, suddenly even more and even better candidates appear.
3. You will be the perfect boss for Millennials
Millennials appreciate remote work more than any former generation. The possibility of working remotely often has a great influence on their decision whether or not to accept or deny a job offer. Here’s your competitive advantage in the HR market. Young, talented people are more likely to choose your offer, even if you pay them a little less than your competitor. Use this chance: for now, remote work is only a growing trend, not a standard. It’s a chance to get the best, most loyal employees RIGHT NOW.
4. Remote workers are more efficient and more satisfied
Employees who spend 60–80% of their working time remotely are more engaged and efficient, a recent study says. Remote workers feel appreciative that their manager allows them to stay wherever they want while they are completing their tasks. Also, remote work demands greater self-organization and allows an employee to focus only on the job, which results in higher efficiency. Surprised? Try it:)
5. It’s a money saver!
Let’s keep it short: hiring remote-working people is a money saver for you. You save money normally spent on renting out a big office, as well as on coffee, tea, juice and all the office supplies you usually buy to create a good working space for your employees. Just take a look at your budget spreadsheet and calculate the costs of coffee, parking lots, electricity, great internet connection, printer, etc. And now… delete them! This is what you earn when you take in remote workers.
What about the cons?
Even though remote work has a lot of advantages, it has some cons too. Team building, face-to-face communication, interpersonal interactions — those elements are really important in our lives, and in our work. What we want to highlight here is the fact, that you should not be afraid of hiring a few remote freelancers, or letting your long-term employees work out of the office from time to time. Employees appreciate this option, and you as a manager have a lot of new and reliable tools that let you manage your team effectively. Whether they work onsite or offsite — technology makes it easier for you to adapt.
… more about remote work management in our next blog post— stay tuned! :)